On April 2, 2016

How the Land Of The Sky Association of REALTORS® saw a need and stepped up to the challenge

western carolina rescue missionAs Western Carolina Rescue Ministries celebrates 35 years of service, they have opened the doors to a new shelter for women and children. With the help of Land Of The Sky Association of REALTORS®, the non-profit was able to raise critical funds to complete the building.

The new facility, adjacent to the original mission on Patton Avenue, provides short term housing and wraparound services for women who need a hand up.  Once stabilized in shelter, residents receive recovery services to address the underlying issues leading to crisis. Then, the mission provides employment counseling, intervention and guidance services to help restore residents to independence and turn new life goals into reality.

At a community forum discussing affordable housing, Land Of The Sky Association of

REALTORS® member Liz Wiederhold (owner of Seller Solutions), realized there was an urgent related need.  For many, the need for affordable housing starts with emergency shelter and crisis stabilization. Mike Woods, director of Western Carolina Rescue Ministries, explained that the desperately needed women’s shelter was under construction, but stalled due to unexpected cost overruns.  Presented with the opportunity to help, the LOTSAR board eagerly agreed to take on the cause and raise completion funds to get the shelter open.

Local REALTOR® members stepped up to the challenge to donate and also reached out to their clients and the community for help. Together, they raised a total of $59,037.10 to complete the shelter. The very first night the building opened, 29 women and 6 children were sheltered. Asheville REALTORS® and Western Carolina Rescue Mission

LOTSAR Executive Director David West, and immediate past president David Wall (of West Asheville Real Estate) had the opportunity to tour the newly finished facility and learn of the impact the funds made for the mission.  The Western Carolina Rescue Mission provided 30,866 nights of shelter in 2015, 98,223 hot meals, and distributed 7,140 articles of clothing. Having increased its size and capacity, that number is expected to grow, especially for women and children seeking assistance.

Thank you to all of the Land Of The Sky Association of REALTORS® members and community advocates that helped make this all possible.

Learn more about Western Carolina Rescue Ministries here- http://www.westerncarolinarescue.org/